How Much is Small Fries at McDonalds?
Small Fries at McDonalds: McDonald’s is everyone’s favorite place as the restaurant serves fresh and delicious fast-food items for all food-lovers. McDonald’s is famous for its all-time favorite item i.e. French fries. French Fries At McDonald’s comes in different sizes to suit your food craving.
Fries at McDonald’s are made from fresh potatoes deep-fried in non-hydrogenated vegetable oils. French fries are served with salt sprinkled right after cooking. The restaurant always served hot and fresh French fries. If you are wondering about how much is small fries at McDonalds, then here are the details!
How Much is Small Fries at McDonalds?
McDonald’s Fries are served in three different sizes i.e. Small, Medium, and Large. Out of all the available options, the most popular choice is a small one as it is a good fit for everyone.
What comes in McDonalds Fries?
McDonald’s Fries are an easy-to-prepare recipe. It’s a perfect side meal for every order that you place at the McDonald’s restaurant. Anyone can prepare this recipe as it contains a few ingredients only which can be found easily in your home. The list of ingredients that McDonald’s Fries contain are listed below:
Ingredients in McDonald’s Fries
- Potatoes
- Blend of Non-hydrogenated vegetable oils
- Salt for sprinkle
Does McDonald’s have Small Fries?
Yes, McDonald’s serves its legendary super-tasty french fries in three different sizes which include small, medium, and large sizes. The Small Fries are high on demand as the small size of the french fries can be ordered as a side meal with any item you order at the restaurant.
How many calories are in a Small Fries at McDonalds?
McDonald’s serves delicious and freshly cooked fast-food items. We all know that fast-food items are full of calories. Small fries are made from potatoes which are a powerhouse of calories.
A Small Fries at McDonald’s carries 237 kcal. If you are a fitness freak or have been suffering from diabetes or hypertension, then you should avoid such items.
Is Small Fries a Healthier Option?
Small Fries are made from potatoes deep-fried in non-hydrogenated oil. It’s a popular fast-food item full of calories and fat. It’s not a healthier option; you can’t take it every day. If you are on a diet or want to lose some weight, then you must cut off such food items from your daily food intake.
Can You Order McDonald’s Small Fries during Breakfast?
McDonald’s serves a special breakfast menu during their breakfast hours. You can’t order Small Fries during the breakfast hours at McDonald’s. However, French fries are available after 11 i.e. right after the breakfast hours. You can get French Fries until closing times after 11:00 AM.